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If you have lost your job…

What should be done, if you have lost your job?
22-step instruction 

The work is a cost of our money

1.       Keep your equilibrium. You are not a single person out of the job. And besides, there is lot of job proposals.

2.       You should know your rights. Study the Labor Code and require compliance with dismissal rules.

3.       Register yourself in the Job Center and begin to draw unemployment benefit.

4.       Revise your personal and family financial plans with allowance for absence of the regular salary. Come to an agreement that a necessity to buy anything, cost of which exceeds, for instance UAH 100, shall be subjected to the family discussion.  

5.       Take advices of your family members. The relatives’ advices cannot be bad. Only jointly you can go through hard times.  

6.       Talk honestly with your creditors.  Inform your banker about dismissal and ask for delay and revision of payments.

7.       Cut your expenses. Give up expensive shopping, entertainments and needless outlays.  Now you will buy only really useful things in contrast to the former times.

8.       Try to think about new sources of income.  Casual labor? Mini-business? Your own business?

9.       Read a good book or selection of articles on how to search for a job, how to compose a resume and how to pass an interview.

10.   Work out a detailed plan of actions on job searching.  

11.   Let your friends and acquaintances know about your job placement. 

12.   Update and improve your resume and cover letter.

13.   Send out the updated resumes into max possible number of recruitment agencies and make sure that your messages have been received.

14.   Register yourself in 1-2 recruitment agencies. At first make inquiries on the agencies and choose the most experienced one. Or the agency with not very high registration pay. The chance may be modest, but it is a chance. What if you will be lucky?

15.   Activate your accounts in the social nets. Expand the Internet contacts.

16.   Download your resume on 10-15 of the most attended “job” Internet sites.

17.   Allocate 1-3 hours a day for the job searching in the Internet, news-papers and for phone calls to employers.  

18.   Be ready for each interview! Study the company, rehearse self-presentation and answers to the standard questions, prepare your own questions, select your wardrobe, plan the way route to arrive in due time.

19.   Try to attend no less than 1-2 interviews each day.

20.   Upgrade your skill. Now you have free time – use it to your profit: read the professional books, take a course, and enroll in a seminar.

21.   Think of another profession or re-qualification

22.   Try to find “invisible” vacancies outside of the Internet and media. Believe me they total up to 50%! …

And do not forget that the job searching is also a job. Lot of luck!

Sergey Belyaev,

NAVIGATOR Consulting company,