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Recruitment Agencies from the Quality Viewpoint: References


1. Aleeva E., Prodazhnye lidery (Corrupt leaders)// Kommersant’ Den’gi.– 2002 .– №40.– pgs. 46-47

2. Atroshchenkov A., Kitchenko N., Byshovets M., Chetyre vzglyada na rekruting (Four aspects of recruitment)// BOSS.—2002.– №8 .—pgs. 64-67

3. Bakhrin E., GraduateBase: angliiskii opyt poiska raboty(Graduate Base: British experience of the job-hunting) // Computer World/Kiev .– 2001 .– May 5, 2001 (№ 16-17) .– pg. 32

4. Bakhrin E., Sprashivali? Otvechaem! (Did you question? We answer you!)// Computer World/Uk-raina .–. April 10, 2002 (№ 14) — pg. 26

5. Bayura D., Rekrutingovye uslugi v Ukraine (Recruitment service in Ukraine)// Ukrainskaya investitsionnaya gazeta .– 2001 .– June 19, 2001 (№ 25) .– pg. 15

6.Vorob’ev G., Rabotnik vybiraet rabotu, rabotodatel’ – rabotnika (An employee selects job, employer selects employee)// Sluzhba kadrov.– 2002.– №2.– pgs.11-18

7. Vorob’ev S., Nuzhno nakazyvat’ za neprinyatie resheniya i nikogda ne nakazyvat’ za iskrennyuyu oshibku (Nonandertaking of decision shall be punished but never a sincere mistake)// Upravlenie personalom.– 2002.– №9 .—pgs.10-15

8. Gavril’chenko A., Protsenyuk E., Podvodnye rify rekrutinga (Recruitment’s submerged reefs) // Otdel kadrov.– 2002 .– №21.– pgs. 22-23

9. Dudnikov S. , Sakharova Yu., Standarty raboty kadrovyh agentstv i pravila povedeniya na rynke truda (Standards of recruitment agencies work and behavior rules at the labor market)// Upravlenie personalom.– 2002.– №4.– pgs.34-35

10.Kadyrbekova G., Vremya bol’shikh ozhidanii (Time of great expectations)// Otdel kadrov.– 2002.– №10.— pgs.24-26

11. Kadyrbekova G., Istoriya rekrutmenta (History of recruitment)// Otdel kadrov.– 2002 .– №18.– pgs. 8-10

12. Kakhiani K., Gryaznye tekhnologii rekruterov (Dirty methods of recruiters)// Vedomosti .– .– February 21, 2002 (№ 23) .– pg. B8

13. Konyaeva A., Agentstva byvayut raznye (The agencies may differ)// Otdel kadrov.– 2000.– №22.– pg.4-6

14. Konyaeva A., Interv’yu pri naime v kompaniyu (Hiring interview)// Otdel kadrov.– 2000.– №17.– pg.8-11

15. Konyaeva A., Rabota nad zakazom  (Work with order)// Otdel kadrov.– 2000.– №13.– pgs.4-7

16. Konyaeva A., Rekrutment ne roskosh’, a sredstvo prodvizheniya – k uspekhu (The recruit-ment is not a luxuri, but means of  forwarding  – to the success)// Otdel kadrov.—2001.– №16 .– pgs.3-4

17. Konyaeva A. Reshenie kompanii o naime kandidata – eshche ne “happy end” (Company decision on anybody hiring is not yet the “happy end”)// Otdel kadrov.– 2001.– №16.– pgs.18-20

18. Konyaeva A. Strukturirovannoye interv’yu (Strtuctured interview)// Otdel kadrov.– 2000.– №3.– pgs.8-9

19. Konyaeva A. Tehnologiya angazhirovaniya klienta (Technique to engage a client)// Otdel kadrov.– 1999.– №10.– pgs.8-11

20. Korepanova O. Partnerskie otnosheniya kadrovogo agentstva i kompanii – zalog effektivnogo podbora personala (Entente cordiale between recruitment agency and company is a guarantee of successful staffing)// Upravlenie personalom.– 2002 .– №11.– pgs. 18-19

21. Kosyanchuk І. Teoretichno robota є. A praktichno? (Theretically the job is available; and practically?) // Uryadovii kur’єr .– .– July 12, 2002 (№ 125) .– pg. 8

22. Krainova M. “Rify i mify” motivacii v rekrutinge (”Reefs and myths” of motivation in recruitment)// Upravlenie personalom.– 2002.– №1.– pgs.47-49

23. Kramarenko Yu. Tekhnika bezopasnosti pri obshchenii s rekrutingovymi agentstvami (Safety measures at communication with recruitment agencies) // Office.– 2001.– №7-8.– pgs.43-45

24. Krivoruchko S. Effektiven li vash sposob pod-bora personala? (Is your recruiting method effect-tive?)// Otdel kadrov.– 2002.– №11.– pgs.22-24

25. Ksenz L. God denezhnogo rosta // Delovaya stolica (Year of monetary growth) .– .– December 2, 2002 (№ 48) .– pg. 34

26. Ksenz L. Zhivoi dvigatel’ torgovli (Live engine of commerce) // Delovaya stolica .– .– October 7 , 2002 (№ 40) .—pg. 30

27. Ksenz L. Otkrylsya sezon okhoty na specialistov (Hunting of specialists season is open) // Delovaya stolica .– .– 21 October 2002 (№ 42) .–pg. 33  

28.Ksenz L. Poisk raboty cherez posrednika (Search for a job through an intermediator)// Delovaya stolica .– .– June 17, 2002 (№ 24) .– pg. 27

29. Ksenz L. Stolica ishchet kadry v regionakh (The capital search for personnel in regions)// Delovaya stolica .– .– September 30, 2002 (№ 39) .– pg. 29

30. Kukharchuk A. “Dan prikaz emu na zapad, ei – v druguyu storonu…(He has to go to the west, but she must– to the east… )” // Biznes .– .– September 16, 2002 (№ 38) .– pg. 63

31. Kukharchuk A. Talk-a-tet s kandidatom (Inerview with nominee)// Biznes .– 1999 .– July 19, 1999 (№ 29) .– pgs. 37-38

32. Kukharchuk A. Zakazhite okhotu za golovoi (Place a head-hunt order)// Biznes .– .– September  30, 2002 (№ 40) .– pgs. 43-44

33. Kukharchuk A. Kutcachenko E. Turkova L. Rynok truda. Zima’99 (Labor market. Winter 99)// Biznes .– 1999 .– December 13, 1999 (№ 50) .– pgs. 48-51

34. Kukharchuk A. Otechestvennye rabotodateli (Domestic employers)// Biznes .– 1999 .– September 27, 1999 (№ 39) .—pg. 54

35. Kukharchuk A. Rynok truda. Vesna`2001 (Labor market. Spring 2001)// Biznes .– 2001 .– June 11, 2001 (№ 24) .– pgs. 48-50

36. Kukharchuk A. Speckontingent specregiona (Special contingent of special region)// Biznes .– .– September 10, 2001 (№ 37) .– pg. 54

37. Kutsenko O. Byt’ ili ne byt’? (To be or not to be?)// Otdel kadrov.– 2001.– №16.— pgs. 22-23

38. Lukashenko G. V chem osobennosti biznesa “EXECUTIVE SEARCH”(What are specificity of the “EXECUTIVE SEARCH” business) // Upravlenie personalom.– 2002 .– №9.– pg. 17

39. Maznitsa A. Trebuyutsya kvalificirovannye specialisty (Skilled specialists are required)// Zerkalo nedeli .– .– June 8, 2002 (№ 21) .– pg. 8

40. Malinovskii B. Skrytaya bezrabotitsa stanovitsya yavnoi, i eto – k luchshemu (The concealed unemployment is becoming evident, and it is better)// Galic’kі kontrakti .– .– August 28, 2000 (№ 35) .—pgs. 10-12

41. Mart’yanov S. Chuzhoi sredi svoikh (Stranger in the closest circle)// Vedomosti .– .– March 18, 2002 (№ 44) .— pg. B8

42. Mogilevskaya E. Regional’nyi rekruter: redkii eksponat ili effektivnyi partner? (The regional recruiter is a rare exhibit or effective partner?)// Otdel kadrov.– 2002.– №6.– pgs. 26-27

43.Obzornaya tablica rekrutingovykh kompanii (Survey table of recruitment companies)// Otdel kadrov.– 2002 .– №17.— pg. 6-10

44. Obzornaya tablica rekrutingovykh kompanii i kadrovyh agentstv (Survey table of recruitment companies and agencies)//) // Otdel kadrov.– 2001.– №16.– pgs. 12-17

45. Odaryuk S. Mozgi na ulice ne valyayutsya (The brains don’t grow on trees)// Biznes .– .– 26 August 2002 (№ 35) .– pgs. 12-13

46. Pertsova S. Velikolepnaya semerka: oni ustraivayut vsekh (The magnificent seven – they are acceptable for all)// Kar’era .– 2002.– №6.— pgs. 12-15

47. Petrov R. Nuzhna li ukrainskim rekruteram professional’naya Assotsiatsiya? (Do the Ukrainian recruiters need the Professional Association?)// Otdel kadrov.– 2002.– №4.– pgs. 22-23

48. Petrov R. Rekruitment Kryma: na rynke ostanutsya luchshiye (Recruitment in Crimea: the best ones will remain at the market)// Otdel kadrov.– 2002.– №5.— pgs. 24-25

49. Pilipenko E. Kompaniya s vysshim obrazovaniem (The company of high education)// Ofis.– January 1, 2001

50. Prohorova-Haiss N. Marketing dlya kadrovogo agentstva (Marketing for recruitment agency) // Marketolog.– 2002 .– №9.– pgs. 61-62

51. Prudnikova L. Opyt est’, tekhnologii otrabatyvayutsya, perspektivy prosmatrivayutsya (The experience is available, the prospects are visible)// Otdel kadrov.– 2002.– №14.—

pgs. 2-4

52. Prudnikova L. Regional’nyi podbor personala -kommentarii k zasedaniyu kruglogo stola (Regional staffing – comments to the round table discussion ) // Otdel kadrov.– 2002 .– №16.– pgs. 6-7

53. Rezul’taty issledovaniya rynka rekrutinga Moskvy, provodimogo jurnalom Upravlenie personalom (Results of the Moscow recruitment market’s investigation conducted by the Upravleniye Personalom magazine)// Upravlenie personalom.– 2002 .– №11.– pgs. 28-31

54. Rynok truda (Labor market) // Ukrainskaya investitsionnaya gazeta .– .– April 9, 2002 (№ 14) .– pgs. 1, 7-9

55. Svarovskii F. Esche odin kadrovyi pochin (Once more staffing initiative) // Vedomosti .– .— October 9, 2002 (№ 183) .– pg. B8

56. Semenov M. Region razvivaetsya – rekrutment sovershenstvuetsya (Recruitment is being updated when the region is being developed)// Otdel kadrov.– 2002 .– №18.– pg. 19

57. Stec’ L. Menedzhera vygodnee zakazat’ v kadrovom agentstve (It is more profitable to order a manager in a recruitment agency)// Galitc’kі kontrakty .– .— August 28, 2000 (№ 35) .– pg. 13

58. Tarnavskii V. Osobennosti mezhdunarodnoi okhoty za talantami (Specificity of international head-hunting)// Rynok kapitala.– 2001.– №3.– pgs. 10-17

59. Tarnovskii V. Nezamenimye lyudi est’, no zamenit’ ikh mozhno (Irreplaceable people exist but their replacement is possible) // Upravlenie personalom.– 2002 .– №9.– pgs. 38-45

60. Timofeeva E. Vneshnie istochniki podbora personala (External sources of staffing)// Spravochnik kadrovika.– 2002 .– №11.– pgs. 113-116

61. Fomin V. K rekruteram obrashchayutsya za kachestvom, za skorost’yu, a oni skladyvayutsya iz takikh momentov, kak kachestvo baz dannykh, kachestvo reagirovaniya (The required quality and quickness of recruitment is based on the database and response quality )// Upravlenie personalom.– 2002.– №8 .—pg. 1519

62. Shangina A. Nagornaya V. Ishchu cheloveka!(I am searching for a person!) // Biznes .– .– February 18, 2002 (№ 7) .– pg. 59

63. Shekshnya S. My lyubim delegirovat’ otvetstvennost’ i ne lyubim delegirovat’ pravo prinimat’ resheniya (We like to delegate responsibility but don’t like to delegate the right to make decisions) // Sekretarskoe delo.– 2002.– №3 .– pgs. 76-81

64. Scheglova E. Osobennosti natsional’noi kadrovoi okhoty (Specificity of the national head-hunting) // Ukrains’ka іnvestitsіina gazeta. Normativna baza .– .—June 20, 2000 (№ 24) .– pgs. 7-9

List of used sites


66. research/reiting_01.shtml

67. research/reiting_02.shtml 

(Рейтинг ведущих рекрутинговых агентств России .Опубликовано в журнале “Карьера”, №11/ноябрь 1999г., №1/январь 2001г.) (Rating of leading recruitment agencies in  Russia . Publication in “Kariera” 

magazine,  №11/November 1999, №1/January 2001)






73. http://www.



(Елена Смирнова Эксперт,Урал #19 (54) 23.05.2002)

(Elena Smirnova Ekspert, Ural #19 (54) 23.05.2002)













List of used electronic publications

88. Melamyuka K., Okhotniki za golovami (Head-hunters), Computerworld, USA // Computerworld Rossiya #15/98

89. Yurlov S., Priem na rabotu: podvodnye kamni, o kotorykh mozhno i ne dogadat’sya (Some unexpected shoals of hiring )//Computerworld Rossiya #25/97

90. Yurlov S., Letnyaya aktivizatsiya rabotodatelei (Summer activization of employers)//Computerworld Rossiya #27/97

91. Yurlov S., Cherkasova N. Prikladnoye testirovaniye spe-cialistov (Applied testing of specialists)//Computerworld Rossiya #42/97

92. Yurlov S., Tupik professionalov (Deadlock of profes-sionals) //Computerworld Rossiya #46/97

93. Yurlov S., Ubediv sebya, vy smozhete ubedit’ i drugikh, v tom chisle i rabotodatelya (After convincing yourself you can con-vince your opponents including an employer as well)//Computerworld Rossiya #44/96

94. Yurlov S., Khochet, no molchit (Desires but keeps si-lence)//Computer-world Rossiya #09/98

95. Cherkasova N., Polyakova O., Nochnye bdeniya  (Night watches)// Computerworld Rossiya #45/97

96. King Dj., Situatsionnoe interv’yu, kak chast’ raboty s kad-rami  (Situational interview as a part of work with personnel)// Com-puterworld Rossiya #22/97

97. Deintri Daffi., Chelovecheskii capital (Human wealth)// «Direktoru informatsionnoi sluhby», #06/2000

98. Timoshenko V.V., Vinogradov A.G., Osobennosti nacion-al’nogo profotbora (Specificities of the national professional selec-tion)// © Firma “Upravlencheskoye Konsul’tirovaniye” Timoshenko V.V., Vinogradov A.G., Kiev-1999g.

99. Artyushin B., Zachem kompanii svoe kadrovoe agentstvo (Do a company need its own recruitment agency?)//«Elitnyi per-sonal» № 44 (278) (11 November 2002) // “Stolichnyi Kadrovyi Vestnik”   

100. Artyushin B., Kazhdyi ishchet dlya sebya svoi shag vpered (Everyone search for its own forward step)//”Upravleniye person-alom”  № 1 (55),  January 2001// “Stolichnyi  Kadrovyi Vestnik”

101. Belenko P. Chto takoe EXECUTIVE SEARCH v Rossii? (What is the EXECUTIVE SEARCH in Russia?)// “Upravleniye person-alom”  № 9 (74),  September  2002//”Stolichnyi  Kadrovyi Vestnik”  

102. El’shov E. E. at al, Osobennosti nacional’nogo hedhantinga (Specificity of the national head-hunting)//”Upravleniye personalom”  № 7 (61),  Iyul’  2001//”Stolichnyi  Kadrovyi Vestnik”

103. Lukashenko G., V chem osobennosti biznesa “EXECUTIVE SEARCH” (What are specificities of the “EXECUTIVE SEARCH” business?)// “Upravleniye personalom”  № 9 (74), September 2002// “Stolichnyi  Kadrovyi Vestnik”  

104. Merkur’eva Yu., Vo chto obkhoditsya kompetentnost’? (What is the cost of competence?)// «Personal-Miks» № 11, August 2002// “Stolichnyi  Kadrovyi Vestnik”  

105. Osipova E., Osobennosti podbora personala cherez agentstva po podboru personala (Specificities of the staffing through recruitment agencies)//«Per-sonal-Miks» № 12 2002// “Stolichnyi  Kadrovyi Vestnik”  

106. Polyakov V., Minimal’naya trudoemkost’, maksimal’naya chastota primeneniya (Minimal work-content, maximal frequency of application)// “Exclusive Personnel” № 30 (165) (August 1, 2000) // “Stolichnyi  Kadrovyi Vestnik”

107. Polyakov V., Ot postanovki tseli – k poisku  (From the goal-setting to a search)//”Exclusive Personnel” № 27 (162) (11 July 2000) // “Stolichnyi  Kadrovyi Vestnik”

108. Polyakov V., Planirovanie potrebnosti v podbore personala (Planning of a need in staffing)//”Exclusive Personnel” № 26 (161) (4 July 2000) // “Stolichnyi  Kadrovyi Vestnik”

109. Polyakov V., Pravil’no postavit’ tsel’  (Importance of adequate goal-setting)//”Ex-clusive Personnel” № 24 (159) (20 June 2000) // “Stolichnyi  Kadrovyi Vestnik”

110. Polyakov V., Kak iskat’ rabotnikov cherez agentstva po podboru personala (How to search for employees through recruitment agencies.)// “Ex-clusive Personnel” № 34 (169) (August 29, 2000) // “Stolichnyi  Kadrovyi Vestnik”

111. Polyakov V., Kak iskat’ rabotnikov cherez agentstva po pod-boru personala (How to search for employees through recruitment agencies.)//  “Ex-clusive Personnel” № 36 (171) (12  September 2000) // “Stolichnyi  Kadrovyi Vestnik”

112. Polyakov V., Poisk rabotnikov cherez set’ lichnykh kontaktov (Search for employees through a net of personl contacts)// “Exclusive Personnel” № 31 (166) (August 8, 2000)// “Stolichnyi  Kadrovyi Vestnik”

113. Chumarin I., Uiti i ostavit’ klientov? (Go away and leave the clients?)// «Elitnyi personal» № 44 (278) (11 November 2002) //  “Stolichnyi  Kadrovyi Vestnik”                                           

114. «Kadrovyi Vestnik Ukrainy» № 29 of January 31, 2002

115. «Kadrovyi Vestnik Ukrainy» № 31 of March 01, 2002

116. Ivanyushchenkova M., Fukolova Yu., Kompanii poshli po golovam (The companies start going on heads)//”Sekret firmy” № 3 (December 2001)// «Kadrovyi Vestnik Ukrainy» № 28 ot 09.01.2002

117. Working with an executive search firm //«Kadrovyi Vestnik Ukrainy» № 42 of August 16, 2002

118. Petrov N.I. Put’ k vysshemu kachestvu — eto put’ k eko-nomicheskomu vozrozhdeniyu Rossii (The road to the highest qual-ity is a road to economical  revival of Russia). — M: ID «XXI vek — Soglasie», 2001. — 108 s